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Northwest coastal native peoples

Tlingit, Coast Salish, Haida and Tsimshain
We've long had an intrest in Native American history and culture. So, when we met Ann Stateler and Odin Lonning, what started as questions about Coastal Native traditions developed into a joint effort to share this knowledge with our guests and communtiy.

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Ann Stateler (Orca Annie) is a marine naturalist and environmental educator of Choctaw/Five Tribes desent. She has studied Orcas since 1992, collaborating with researcher Mark Sears to document killer whale behavior in the Islands.
We first met Annie when she was leading the annual Orca Welcoming Ceremony and staying with us at the Inn. She later introduced us to her husband, Odin Lonning.
Odin (Tlingit name Sh'now Taan) is an award-winning, professional Native artist, master carver and cultural educator. He is Woosh Ke Taan (Eaglite/Shark) Clan through his Tlingit mother, and he shares the name of his Norwegian father.

Odin created our Inn sign using  the Tlingit images for night and day.  The Owl, included at our request, is not a tradional design.
There are  several of Odin's tradional pieces on our grounds and their images and meanings are shown below.  
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Killer Whale spindal whorl

This piece is based on the Coast Salish Spindle Whorl. Traditionally carved in red cedar at a scale of 8 to 10 inches, these utilitarian items, used when hand-spinning yarn, have symmetrical designs encircling the hole for the spindle.


Salal has a long history as an important staple with the coastal native Americans. The Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwok-wok-ya-wok) harvested the berries and dried them into flat cakes for the winter months. During large feast the berries were dipped into oolichan grease and enjoyed as a delicacy.

Great Blue Heron and Eagle

Initially created for jewelry, Odin's Great Blue Heron design contains a visual pun. The Eagle head in the body shares wings with the Heron. In the wild, Eagles harass Herons, but Heron has the advatage here.

Western Red Cedar

Cedar is a well-known symbol of the Northwest Coast. For thousands of years, coastal First Nations have used this versatile wood in many aspects of their lives. Not only is cedar a key natural resource in the production of material goods, the tree also plays an integral role in the spiritual beliefs and ceremonial life of coastal First Nations.

Owl and Hawk

The Great Horned Owl is historically a shaman’s ally. The crescent in the moon shows Raven – a metaphor for the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian cultures. Dreams convey powerful messages, symbolized by a Hawk spirit in the Owl’s wing. The Hawk plays a drum, sharing wisdom through songs. to come.


Native Nations of the Pacific Northwest define themselves as Salmon People. They consider salmon to be an extremely important gift of food from the Creator, and each year they honor the salmon's sacrifice in special ceremonies.
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